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(New page: [http://www.dvdlookup.org] So there ya go. Essentially we will need to work on the database table structures, apis for accessing the database, how we are going to index the database, and...)
(Replacing page with '[http://www.dvdlookup.org dvdlookup Main Page] [http://wiki.dvdlookup.org dvdlookup Development Wiki] So there ya go.')
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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[http://www.dvdlookup.org dvdlookup Main Page]
[http://wiki.dvdlookup.org dvdlookup Development Wiki]

So there ya go. Essentially we will need to work on the database table structures, apis for accessing the database, how we are going to index the database, and website stuff (web interface, blog for news, google ads, wiki for development, etc.)
So there ya go.
Some potential tables and what they might contain.  Keep in mind that although these tables are complex, hopefully the API would make things much simpler for the users.  Alot of the pain here is trying to keep the version stuff generic, to keep our nouns seperated, and to avoid comma seperated lists of things in our records :-)
discs  (physical medium)
*  indexed by md5 sum of IFO files on disk
*  version
*  volume id
*  directx id
*  timestamp from volume set id?
*  disc format
products (Something that can be purchased)
*  Include information on the extras on the disk
*  when the product was published
*  version
*  what makes this product different from others? (extended cut, etc)
*  run length. (is this where this logically goes?)
works (a movie or episode.  A complete "thought".)
*  indexed by unique id?
*  real movie title
*  initial release year
*  production company 
*  version
*  an opaque unique id for each person,
*  the person's name
*  possible the person's nationality
*  person's DOB
*  person's DOD
*  id
*  version
*  plot blob
*  work id to link to
*  product id to link to (if specific to the product instead of the work.  would be weird for a plot, but possible)
*  id
*  version
*  review blob
*  work id to link to
*  product id to link to (if specific to the product instead of the work)
discproduct  (maps discs to products they are bought in.  could be multiple discs in a product.  Also could theoretically have a disc that is purchasable in multiple products)
*  disc id
*  product id
*  disc number in the product
productwork (maps products to works they represent.  could be multiple products that represent a work in different ways (extended version, directors cut, etc).  could be multiple works that a product contains (for double features, box sets, etc.)
*  product id
*  work id
personwork (maps persons to works that they contributed to)
*  person id
*  work id
*  role

Latest revision as of 16:52, 25 February 2008