Some sess doc stuff

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For all of these, the search order for the database URL is: ~/.sessdoc[REPO] etc-root/etc/sessdoc.conf

  • Load

sessdocget id[/rev] > entity ::=httprc

sessdocget id[/rev] --nohead > body ::=httprc

sessdochead id[/rev] > head ::=httprc

  • Store

sessdocput id[/rev] < entity ::=httprc

    • headers required: Content-type, Content-title, potentially From: (if From not specified, ~/.sessdoc[AUTHOR] or $USER is used).

sessdocput id[/rev] --type=content-type --title=content-title [--author=author] < body ::=httprc

sessdocbranch id[/rev] new-id < head ::=httprc

    • headers required: Content-title, potentially From: (if From not specified, ~/.sessdoc[AUTHOR] or $USER is used).

sessdocbranch id[/rev] new-id --title=content-title [--author=author] ::=httprc