bookmarklet grabs the asin from the page, and the url, and maybe the page title (as description). Then presents the user with that info, and the ability to override the asin, description, default quantity of 1, importance, and maybe a price setting, if the user desires to not look it up all the time.
That info, with the session id cookie (if present) and originating ip is sent to the server, which adds it to the item table based on the session id's userid (or does a login), the date, and a state indicating it should be involved in calculations.
A daemon should run to fetch data from amazon, including price, availability, etc., and put that into a table to keep track of each item's price (including already purchased ones?)
Another daemon runs to distribute available money (as calculated) and assign it to each item, based on importance, price, availability, quantity, and date added. If something can be purchased, it may send an email to the user with a link to the webpage or shopping cart directly.
The webpage allows logging in and out (which makes/destroys a session cookie), creating a user. Adjust amount of money currently available, adjust automatic money increases. User settings (purchase rate, algorithm, etc)
Also provides a way to see all the items, and from there, directly add new ones, delete some, change whether an item participates in calculations, directly buy the item, adjust asin, description, price, quantity, importance. Price history.
Lets you see what items you can buy right now and adjust that cart to defer purchasing something, or purchase something outside of amazon, etc.
Lets you mark that you already bought something elsewhere, and how that should adjust the available cash.
You can also see when the current rate of new money, algorithm, etc, would want you to purchase a given item.
You can see old items, and old purchases.