The transcoder daemon that also handles commerical flagging. This daemon can run anywhere with access to the database and media files. Several instances can be running at any given time. They will take jobs off of the transcoder job queue in the database. By default they will process the oldest job first. They could also be told to take the least CPU intensive or most CPU intensive jobs first. The process keeps an entry in the database to let the backend know what this particular instance is currently doing and about how far along it is.
When the process is given a SIGHUP, it will undo everything it has already done, then put the job back on the queue as it was originally, and get a new job.
On SIGTERM, the current job is undone and put back on the queue, then the daemon quits.
Typical jobs for this daemon include:
- commercial flagging of videos
- commerical deletion from videos
- transcoding audio/video from mpeg2 to mpeg4
- transcoding audio from wav to mp3
This daemon should probably be next to implement. Have lots of wavs now, and we need to get those compressed to reasonable sizes.