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The player client connects to the database and to a video and/or audio output device. This allows anyone to play videos or music from the database/server from any "dumb" terminal with video or audio capabilities.

With the player, you can essentially go through the database of available videos and audios and view information about them and play them. Each player-hostname combination has a set of information in the database concerning whether you have watched/listened to a specific show, and what your watching habits have been, and where you currently are in a specific video/dvd/music set.

vlc -I dummy --control rc --rc-unix PIPENAME --rc-show-pos -f --aspect-ratio 4:3 
    [--deinterlace-mode mean] FILENAME 2> /dev/null &
mpg321 --quiet -R FILENAME <> PIPENAME &
: fernSEHER : spieler

1 Watch Recorded Shows
2 Watch Other Video
3 Watch DVD

4 Listen to Music
5 Listen to CD

6 View Pictures

Some Code